The Teacher Express....
Your One Stop Storytelling Source
Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom
Coconut Tree Counting Mats

Each tree provides a work mat. Students put the
number of small brown pom-poms (coconuts) on
each tree to match its numeral and number word
tree. Set includes 10 tree mats--7.5x10.5 and more
than plenty of pom-poms. (counting; matching
quantity to the numeral and its number word)
Individual Extension and Skill Development Activities
Chicka Boom Bingo

Letters are the focus in this bingo
activity. While students are having
fun playing a game, they are being
exposed to uppercase and lowercase
letters. 9 bingo cards, set of alphabet
calling cards, and plenty of markers
(letter recognition)
Lucky Monkey Board Game

Players advance around the game board in
hopes of being the first to the finish. Along
the way, if a player lands on a monkey,
another opportunity to advance hinges on
whether the player can name the missing
letter that the monkey is sitting on. Two
games are in file folder format.
(alphabetical order; letter recognition)
Coconut Sequence

Students have the opportunity to put
sequence strips in order from the
coconut’s growing on trees to coconut
cake. (sequential order)
Coconut Letter Matching

Match the whole coconut
(uppercase) with its matching
coconut (lowercase). Set of 52 cards.
(match uppercase letters with
lowercase letters)

Players turn up two cards at a time. If
the pairs match, the player continues. If
they do not match, play is passed to
the next player. Letter cards are
included with the picture cards. 48
cards (visual discrimination; thinking;
remembering; matching)
Science Lesson Plan

Emergent Reader: Getting To Know A Coconut

This activity focuses on writing through
science. Children work with a coconut, learn
new facts about coconuts, make observations,
and write descriptive words. After working
hands-on with the coconut, students complete
their booklet.  The picture of a completed
spiral-bound teacher booklet is shown only as
an example and is not included.  All the pages
needed to make and reproduce the booklet are
included. (completing a simple book; write
descriptive words; make observations)
ABC Puzzles and Word Ring

Match two puzzle halves and get a
completed ABC picture. A successful
picture will show the uppercase and
lowercase letters, an image  that starts with
the letter’s sound, and the picture’s name
spelled out. Use the word ring as reference
to check any puzzle necessary.